"THE ICE" is a short Cine-VR (Virtual Reality) film by Tropical Dutch Play and Production, made and played by Lien Pisters. On this avant-première matinée on Saturday afternoon October 5 2024 in Lumière Cinema Maastricht, she will also release "The ice song", as it is interwoven and (for the time being) exclusively to be experienced in this interdisciplinary and multi-sensory film.


"THE ICE" is about resilience, aiming to inspire young people and everyone else who is looking for a refreshing perspective and is open for a new experience. In the REVERIE, the beautiful VR-cinema that has especially been constructed for this occasion by Bernadette Huijbers (with Guus Pisters' assistance), the visitor gets a moment of individual reflection. Is it possible to get back to our innate human nature a little bit again? Even with all the conveniences and technology surrounding us?


There are limited reservations and tickets available for this event, with 5 minute time slots from 14:00 - 18:00 o'clock. The address to visit is Lumière Cinema - Bassin 88, 6211 AK Maastricht, in The Netherlands. Here the REVERIE will open its doors in the lobby, where Lien Pisters will welcome everyone personally and give instructions prior to the film.


This avant-première matinée is presented to you by Tropical Dutch Play and Production.